
Client configuration

You can pass configuration arguments directly to the CogniteClient constructor, for example to configure the base url of your requests and additional headers. For a list of all configuration arguments, see the CogniteClient class definition.

Global configuration

You can set global configuration options like this:

from cognite.client import global_config, ClientConfig
from cognite.client.credentials import Token
global_config.default_client_config = ClientConfig(
    client_name="my-client", project="myproj", credentials=Token("verysecret")
global_config.disable_pypi_version_check = True
global_config.disable_gzip = False
global_config.disable_ssl = False
global_config.max_retries = 10
global_config.max_retry_backoff = 10
global_config.max_connection_pool_size = 10
global_config.status_forcelist = {429, 502, 503}

These must be set prior to instantiating a CogniteClient in order for them to take effect.

Concurrency and connection pooling

This library does not expose API limits to the user. If your request exceeds API limits, the SDK splits your request into chunks and performs the sub-requests in parallel. To control how many concurrent requests you send to the API, you can either pass the max_workers attribute when you instantiate the CogniteClient or set the max_workers config option.

If you are working with multiple instances of CogniteClient, all instances will share the same connection pool. If you have several instances, you can increase the max connection pool size to reuse connections if you are performing a large amount of concurrent requests. You can increase the max connection pool size by setting the max_connection_pool_size config option.

Debug logging

If you need to know the details of the http requests the SDK sends under the hood, you can enable debug logging. One way is to pass debug=True argument to ClientConfig. Alternatively, you can toggle debug logging on and off by setting the debug attribute on the ClientConfig object.

from cognite.client import CogniteClient, ClientConfig
from cognite.client.credentials import Token
client = CogniteClient(
print(client.config.debug)   # True, all http request details will be logged
client.config.debug = False  # disable debug logging
client.config.debug = True   # enable debug logging again